

  • 8 tranches fines de poitrine fumée ou de bacon
  • 4 buns à hamburger au sésame
  • 1 oignon doux
  • 150 g de farine
  • 15 cl de lait ribot
  • 8 steaks hachés ronds de 130 g chacun
  • 8 tranches de cheddar
  • Sel et poivre
  • 1 pincée de piment de Cayenne
  • Huile de friture
  • 20 g de beurre
  • 8 feuilles de salade
  • 8 cornichons aigre-doux (facultatif)
  • 4 c. à café de mayonnaise (maison)
  • 4 c. à café de sauce barbecue


  • ÉTAPE 1

    Brown the slices of smoked bacon in a large non-stick frying pan for about 5 minutes, until crispy. Set aside on absorbent paper.

  • ÉTAPE 2

    Heat the frying oil to 180°C, 2 cm thick, in a large saucepan. Mix the flour and cayenne pepper in a deep plate. Put the buttermilk in another deep plate. Peel the onion and cut it into slices. Pass them in the flour then in the buttermilk and again in the flour. Fry for about 2 minutes, then drain on absorbent paper and sprinkle with salt.

  • ÉTAPE 3

    Season the ground beef. Heat the butter in a frying pan and cook the beef over a fairly high heat for 4 minutes, turn over and continue cooking for 2 minutes. Top with a slice of cheddar, cover and continue cooking for 2 minutes.

  • ÉTAPE 4

    Cut the buns in 2 and brown them in a grill pan for 3 minutes. Spread the base of the buns with mayonnaise, cover with 1 lettuce leaf, then 1 cheese steak, a lettuce leaf, barbecue sauce, 1 second cheese steak, then sliced ​​gherkins (optional), 2 slices of bacon and a few fried onions. Cover with the hat and serve immediately.

Notre conseil vin

Un morgon

Recette de Saveurs, 203
